Update existing Notion pages with a form

Make a form that edits existing pages from Notion, and pre-fills fields with data from the page.

How it works

1. Switch your form to update mode

First, choose Notion in the Integrate page.
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Then specify that you want to Update page.
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2. Use a formula to specify the page to update

You'll now get a formula in Fillout that defines a unique link for every page in your table. Create a new formula property in Notion and copy the formula provided by Fillout.
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Adding a formula property is mostly for your convenience. If you already know the page ID of the page that you want to update, you can pass it into the URL yourself!
Note: If you don’t provide an id in the unique URL, the form will create a new page instead.

3. Preview your form

That's it! Click Finish setup. Preview your form or use a unique link to update a page. The form auto-fills for the page it's updating, and you can select the Record to update in the top left.
Note: selecting the record to update is provided as a convenience while in “preview” mode.
Note: selecting the record to update is provided as a convenience while in “preview” mode.
Note: In Notion, the formulas with the links to update the records are most easily clickable when using a Table view.

Notion specific guides

Embed Fillout forms on Notion
Embed Fillout forms on Notion
How to create a Notion form
How to create a Notion form
Add content to a Notion page with a form
Add content to a Notion page with a form